Kemeja Akira Hoodie EB2454

Kemeja Akira Hoodie EB2454 denim+hodie L @88rb

Gamis Denim Deswita EM1262

Gamis Denim Deswita EM1262 denim cembre ld 90-100 @120rb

Waterfall Top EB3452

Waterfall Top EB3452 @65rb,bahan spandek rayon super

Long Dress Alice EM1453

Long Dress Alice EM1453 katun rayon L @110rb

Couple Jaket Mickey Minnie EJ6547

Couple Jaket Mickey Minnie EJ6547 babyterry L @120rb

Overal Skirt ER7658

Overal Skirt ER7658 @95rb, bahan spandek rayon super Fit to XL

Long Dress Barbara EL1065

Long Dress Barbara EL1065 spandek+outter L @85rb

Lacey Dress EM1890

Lacey Dress EM1890  @105rb,bahan spandek rayon super Fit to XL

Miss Liany EH2675

Miss Liany EH2675 spandek layer nyatu+pasmina @135rb

Chacha pocket Dress EM1987

Chacha pocket Dress EM1987  @115  seri@105 bahan rayon super.